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This is not the most straightforward restaurant in Madrid to find, even with GPS, as it is at the rear of where it should be and is hidden away in a corner when you find the right side of the building.

Everything looks great, small but cosy, busy and traditional upon entering. It was opened in 1972 by a couple (he was from Basque country, she was from Galicia) in this neighbourhood just north of Real Madrid's Santiago Bernabeu stadium. It is now run by their son Sacha Hormaechea, whom the restaurant was named after.

On a summer's evening in Madrid, there is probably no better place to sit than on Sacha's lovely leafy outside terrace.

He serves top-quality, expertly prepared ingredients and is known for using robust meats and light fish dishes.

On a return visit, we chose from this menu.

We had the following.

Sardinas en blanco (sardines in white sauce)

Cocktail langostinos (prawn cocktail)

Bonito suculento (succulent bonito tuna)

Raya a la Manteca negra (skate wing with black butter and capers)

Tarta dispersa (scattered cake)

To drink - Valtravieso 2016 (Ribera del Duero) & Néctar Pedro Ximénez (Jerez)

There is a good wine seleccion by the glass.

This is what we had to eat and drink on a previous visit

Tortilla con chorizo (omelette with chorizo sausage)

Alcachofas fritas (fried artichoke crisps)

Anchoas con pan con tomate fresco hecho en casa (anchovies with homemade crisp tomato bread)

Ostras Gallegas en escabeche (Galician oysters lightly pickled)

Feuillete of xouba (baby sardines, also called parrochas)

Falsa lasana de erizos (fake sea urchin lasagna, spider crab ravioli with sweet sea urchins & hot jalapeno oil )

Gallo a la parrilla en una salsa de aceite de oliva, el ajo frito y ñoras (a turbot relative called megrim with a sauce of olive oil, fired garlic and dried peppers)

Carne de vaca con médula ósea (beef with bone marrow)

Filloas (Galician crêpes stuffed with cream)

Flan de la Casa (Homemade flan)

There are also first-rate cheeses and an excellent, reasonably short wine list

Service is fairly formal with a touch of old-school charm.

It is simply one of the best-kept culinary secrets of Madrid.


Calle Juan Hurtado de Mendoza, 11, 28036 Madrid, Spain

+34 91 345 59 52

Nearest Metro: Cuzco

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