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The fabulous La Venencia is like stepping back into an Andalusian sherry bar from the 1920s/’30s. The bar has a great history (it is believed anti-General Franco supporters would meet up here during the Spanish Civil War).

It is doubtful the place has changed much over the years with the unassuming sign above the door, the dusty old sherry bottles behind the bar and the vintage posters on the walls, which give the place great character.

This refreshingly non-modernised, quirky old bar only serves Sherry. You will see ancient smoke-stained walls and casks of various types of Sherry from where they will fill unlabelled bottles. The menu is written on the wall on a piece of paper with five sherries listed.

Fino Manzanilla Amontillado Palo Cortado Oloroso

No sweet sherry, like Pedro Ximenez, is available.

This place offers serious value for money. Stay a while and try all five (be careful, it may be a long walk home!)., plus a few tapas, although you receive nuts, olives, or crisps with each Sherry.

Tapas are all cold and include

Stunning anchoas de Cantabrico.

Manchego Queso (sheep’s cheese)

Huevas (pressed tuna roe) Mojama (tuna loin, salted and air-dried for three weeks. The jamón Ibérico of the sea ) Chorizo (cured spicy pork sausage) Cecina (salt-cured, air-dried beef)

It has a casual, relaxed atmosphere but can occasionally get very busy. Regulars enjoy a glass or two near the entrance, while many young and old Madrileños sit and chat at the tables in the raised section at the back.

The sometimes surly waiters (I think it is part of a game; they can be reasonably friendly!) are not waiters but masters of a dying craft. They are pouring the Sherry, carving the dried meats and cheeses, and keeping your bill up to date with chalk on the bar.

They do not pander to you. Please do not attempt to take pictures without asking very nicely, or try leaving a tip, as they may throw you out!

The shelves behind the bar contain many extremely old-looking sherry bottles with labels, but the dust they contain suggests they are for decoration only.

Reading about Sherry before venturing into La Venencia may be advantageous, as this will only enhance your experience. Just go and enjoy this place; it is simple and incredibly unique.


Calle Echegaray 7, 28014 Madrid +34 91 429 73 13

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